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Catahoula Leopard

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Catahoula Leopard originally known as the Catahoula Cur and also known by various name such as “Catahoula Leopard Hound”, “Catahoula Hog Dog”, and “Catahoula Hound”. The Catahoula Leopard Dog is an American dog breed named the official state dog of Louisiana in 1979. This high-energy breed is a good family dog that’s both protective, watchdog and affectionate.

Catahoula Leopard content overview

History of Catahoula Leopard

Catahoula is the result of Native Americans and originated in North Central Louisiana in the geographic area around the Catahoula Lake from which it got its name. One theory about the origins of the breed states that the Catahoula is brought to Louisiana by Hernando de Soto in the 16th century.

The word Catahoula is of Choctaw Indian origin word meaning “sacred lake.” Catahoula derives from the realm in North Central Louisiana close to Catahoula Lake, wherever the breed originated. The Catahoula Leopard dog could be a descendant of the Native American dogs that the primary settlers to northern Louisiana encountered in this space.

The first settlers to it space of Louisiana found the woods choked with wild hogs and these Indian dogs that were autochthonic to the realm. If truth be told, there have been such a lot of wild hogs within the woods that they were thought of to be a nuisance and of very little worth.

Different names or Types

Other names

  • Catahoula Cur
  • Catahoula Leopard Hound
  • Leopard Dog
  • Catahoula Hog Dog
  • Catahoula Hound
  • Leopard Cur
  • Louisiana Catahoula Leopard

Recognized Names

UKC = United Kennel Club – Catahoula Leopard Dog
AKC = American Kennel Club – herding dog


The organizations that have recently recognized the Catahoula Leopards are as an official designer breed dog.

United Kennel Club – UKC
American Kennel Club – AKC

Appearance & Characteristics

The Catahoula Leopard Dog ranges in size from medium to very large.  A Catahoula Leopard Dog should be completely free of any exaggerated feature that impedes its ability to work. This breed is extremely athletic in appearance, looking lean and intensely muscular without ever looking either rangy or stocky.

Breed basic characteristics

Origin United States
Group Foundation Stock Service
Size:  Medium to very large
Lifespan:  10 to 14 years
Trainability:  Fairly hard to train
Exercise Needs: Fairly high
Grooming:  Moderate
Barking:  The Catahoula Leopard is not typically a barker.
Shedding: Moderate to high
Protective Ability:  Good with Kids
Brushing:  Regular
Hypoallergenic Breed:  No
Space Requirements: House with Yard
Compatibility With Other Pets:  Good
Average Puppy Price: $300 to $500
Height 22-24 inches
Weight 50-95 pounds
Litter size 8-12 puppies



The Catahoula Leopard can be laid back, loving and protective of people, but many will not be good with other dogs unless socialized very well as a puppy. They may suffer from separation anxiety and love to receive affection.

Size, Proportion, Substance

Size: Adult Catahoula Leopard dog will weigh anywhere from 35 to 81 pounds and will stand anywhere from 22 to 23 inches tall.


Serious Faults:


His head is powerfully designed while not showing exaggerated. Gender variations ought to be apparent within the characteristics of the top.

Skull: They are medium to giant dogs with broad and flat skulls. The bone is broad and flat. The cheeks are well developed.
Muzzle: The muzzle is powerful and deep viewed from the top; it is moderately wide and tapering toward the nose.
Eyes: Catahoulas usually can have blue-white eyes with a crackled glaze look, remarked as “glass eyes.” The breed could have “cracked glass” or “marbled glass” eyes, and it happens once each colored and glass part ar gift within the same eye.
Eyes are set moderately well apart, medium in size, somewhat rounded in look, and are set well into the bone.
Ears: Ears are a drop, short to medium length, moderate in size. the highest of the ear fold is level or simply slightly below the highest line of the bone once the dog is at attention, the inner fringe of the earlies near the cheek.
Teeth: The Dog features a complete set of equally spaced, white teeth. Full dentition is greatly desired; however, dogs aren’t penalized for worn or broken teeth.
Nose: Nose pigment is also any color or combination of colors.
Serious Faults:

Neck, Topline, Body

Neck: The neck is muscular and of fine length while not being overdone. The circumference of the neck widens from the rear to wherever the neck blends swimmingly into the shoulders.
Topline: The topline inclines slightly downward from well-developed withers to level back.
Body: A properly proportioned American state Catahoula Leopard Dog is slightly longer than tall. the rear is broad and well-muscled with a brief, strong, slightly arched loin. The ribs extend well back, and square measure well sprung out from the spine. The chest is deep, reaching a minimum of the elbows, and moderately broad.
Serious Faults:


The shoulders area unit robust and swimmingly muscled. The shoulder blades area unit long, wide, flat and well set back.

Front Feet:


The hindquarters area unit was robust and swimmingly muscled. Breadth and angulation of hindquarters area unit in balance with the forequarters. Once the dog is standing, the short, robust rear pasterns area unit perpendicular to the bottom and, viewed from the rear, parallel to at least one another.

Rear Legs:
Hind Feet:

Feet: Good feet are essential for a dog. Feet square measure well-knit and oval.
Tail: The tail is long and tapers at the tip. The tail of the Catahoula could also belong and whip-like, that may be a tail that ranges from one bone shorter than full length to just one bone in total length.


The Catahoula includes a single coat, short to medium-long, that lies flat and shut to the body. Texture ranges from sleek to coarse, while not preference. However, whereas alternative coat sorts might not be punished, many registering bodies that acknowledge the Catahoula specify a brief or slick-coated dog.

Winter Coat:
Summer Coat:


Color and Markings

Mixed breeds typically display greater color variety than the pure breeds from which they come. The thick coat may be single or multi-colored and typically includes shades of the following: black, white, cream, red, and brown.

Coat Color and Markings

The Catahoula Leopard Dog’s coat is single-layer. Although it may be seen in any color combination, it is mainly seen in these four: solid color, brindle, leopard pattern, or patchwork pattern coat.


Personality and Temperament


If you are looking for a hard-working and hunting dog breed, Catahoula Leopard Dog is the breed for you. The Catahoula Leopard Dog personality is gentle and loving, making them a great breed for a household full of children. The Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog often called “King of the Stock Dogs,” belongs on a farm or ranch. A Catahoula’s drive can appear aggressive at times – when the dog is baying a hog or cow.


Temperament is affected by several factors, including heredity, training, and socialization. Puppies with nice temperaments are curious and playful, willing to approach people and be held by them. The Catahoula Leopard Dog is not aggressive toward people. However, they are watchful and cautious when strangers are around. Catahoulas tend to be territorial and are very protective of their homes and property. They make excellent watchdogs. Catahoula Leopard Dogs are naturally protective and are usually reserved with strangers.

Activity Requirements

A Catahoula Leopard Dog needs plenty of companionship and activity to be happy, the equivalent of at least one hour of strenuous exercise daily. The Catahoula Leopard Dog is a strong, independent canine who requires firm leadership. The breed’s activity level varies from individual to individual, but it’s wise to assume that he will demand a great deal of exercise.

Behavioral Traits

Catahoulas are highly intelligent and energetic. They are assertive dogs but can also have issues with inter-dog aggression and intolerance to strangers. Catahoulas are fiercely independent creatures that sometimes come across as being rather standoffish. They do not always make a good family dog and are better suited to a working or active performance home. Aggression, destructive behavior, and undesirable behaviors all begin when inadequate mental and physical exercise is provided.


Catahoula is not the easiest breed to train. As previously stated, they need an owner who is willing to put in a lot of work and determination to train them. Catahoula will learn tricks fairly quickly. They are a smart breed but need some serious guidance to be able to show it. This breed can be sensitive to hard punishment, which will affect their self-esteem and cause them to become depressed.

Health & problems


All purebred dogs have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all people have the potential to inherit a particular disease. This breed is still bred almost entirely for working ability. Any genetic health defect that would make them incapable of performing that task is quickly eliminated from the gene pool.

Health Problems

This breed lives an average lifespan of 10 to 14 years. This particular dog breed is prone to hip dysplasia, which can cause pain and problems with mobility as the condition progresses. Those Catahoulas with a white coat or a white face are also prone to glass eyes issues. Some of the Catahoula Leopard Dog breeds can also develop cancer in their older years.

Diet Plan for Catahoula Leopard

Diet Plan for 6-month puppy: – You need to feed your Catahoula Leopard puppy 3 times a day between 8 to 12 weeks. After 3 months, reduce the meal to 3 times a day until 6 months.

Diet Plan for 6-12 month puppy: –  feed should be 3/4 cups per day. Add protein-rich food to your Catahoula Leopard dog’s diet, such as eggs, liver, lean meat, red meat bones, boiled green vegetables, bananas etc.

Diet Plan for 1-8 Years puppy: –  Diet includes lean meat, eggs, fruits, boiled vegetables, etc. The amount of feed should be half cups.

The Catahoula Leopard is also an active breed to respond well to an active or working breed formula. It would help if you still were careful about overfeeding, however, to prevent obesity.

There are many ways to maintain your dog’s physical well-being, and one of those ways is the quality of food you serve. If you have any suggestions regarding the Catahoula diet plan, you can leave your comment in the comment box. Your opinion and feedback are precious to us.

Living conditions

60 minutes of daily moderate-to-strenuous exercise is recommended. If you live in an apartment, the Catahoula is probably not your best choice; he is likely to do best in rural settings.

How to take care?


Catahoula Leopard Dogs need a lot of physical activity to keep themselves healthy and happy. The Catahoula Leopard might be an excellent companion on a jog or a hike, as they can keep up the pace quite easily. However, they are noisy and playful when they are active.

Grooming & Bruising

These dogs shed lightly all year round, so brush them at least every two to three days to keep loose fur to a minimum. Brushing also removes dirt and debris, so you only need to bathe these dogs once every few months unless they get dirty rolling in mud or other undesirable substances.

Dental Health Check-up

Dental disease is the most common chronic problem in pets, affecting 80% of all dogs by age two. And unfortunately, your Catahoula Leopard Dog is more likely than other dogs to have problems with her teeth. You should brush this dog’s teeth at least twice a week, and this task is easier if you train the dog to accept it from the time he’s a puppy.

Love & affection

Love and affection are useful for every dog. Suppose you give love and affection to your Catahoula Leopard, then the dog will love you back. Your Catahoula Leopard puppy will be a member of your family, So Give lots of love and affection to your cute puppy. Most importantly, spend time with your dog because that your dog needs love and affection.

Feed Healthy food

The Catahoula Leopards are an energetic breed and, for that reason, require high-quality food with an excellent caloric intake. The breed does very well on RAW feeding; however, they can also do well on dry kibbles.

Feeding a healthy meal in the dog’s life is the most important. On this day, many healthy foods are available on the market so that you can choose any healthy food for your dog because healthy food is the most important for dog health care.

The following items should never be feed to Catahoula Leopard

  • Alcohol, beer, wine or liquor
  • Chocolate, coffee, or tea
  • Grapes or raisins
  • Moldy or spoiled food of any kind
  • Onions, chives, and garlic
  • Poultry bones
  • Salt & salty foods
  • Tomato leaves stem or unripe fruit
  • Yeast dough

Puppy information

Puppy Training

Catahoulas are highly intelligent and need firm, patient, consistent training. The Catahoula is not recommended for a timid or first-time owner. This breed needs a confident trainer who is consistent and firm but also loving.

Train your dog many times throughout the day to do the trick you want. Also, be sure to praise at the exact moment the dog is listening and to object at the very moment the dog is misbehaving.

Training Crate

Crate training your dog may take some time and effort but can be useful in various situations. First of all, understand that crate training is not cruel. Despite what some people may have told you, breeders and veterinarians recommend using a crate for your dog from a young age. A crate can be invaluable while you are potty-training or teaching your dog the rules of the house. It’s a great way to transport your four-legged friend.

Behavioral training

Behavioral training is very important for any dog. All of us, dog owners, need to administer some dog behavior training at some point in time. Behavioral training is very helpful for taking care of the dog. First of all, if you want to train your puppy to Behavioral training, find out some common behavioral issues like breaking, aggression, food guarding, howling, mouthing and chewing, separation anxiety, etc and stop these behavioral issues and train your dog easily.


Socialization is important with this breed. Even with proper socialization, the dogs will be reserved and shy with strangers. However, a well-socialized Catahoula Leopard is a joy to his family. The Catahoula Leopard puppy should be well socialized to everything from noises to people to other animals.

Obedience training

This is one of the basic and most important pieces of training for any dog breed. We use 3 methods of training with your Catahoula, all beginning with a strong foundation in the core 5 obedience commands: come, sit, stay, heel, down. Every dog should know these 5 basic obedience commands Because it is very necessary for obedience training.

Catahoula Leopard Puppy price

The Catahoula Leopard Average puppy price is $300 – $500 USD.

Find a dog or puppy

When choosing a Catahoula Leopard puppy, it is very important to purchase from an established and knowledgeable breeder. The main reason for this is the timid nature of the breed.

Catahoula Leopard puppy for sale

PuppyFinder.com is a source for finding an ideal Catahoula Leopard Puppy for Sale in the USA. Browse thru ID Verified puppy for sale listings to find your perfect puppy in your area. If you are interested in getting a Catahoula Leopard puppy for sale in the UK so Pets4Homes found 6 Catahoula Dogs and Puppies for sale in the UK.

Find a breeder

Things to consider adopting a Catahoula Leopard

If you’re seriously considering adopting a Leopard Cur, you should know.

  • Before you adopt a Leopard Cur, consider how much time your new family member will spend alone. Remember, a puppy requires constant attention.
  • Before you adopt a puppy, ask yourself if you can walk your dog several times throughout the day.
  • You also have the advantage of knowing that your dog is physically able to “hold it” for several hours at a stretch.
  • Ask anybody who has adopted an adult dog then adopts an adult dog.
  • If you’re unsure whether the new dog you’ve chosen is right for your family and lifestyle, consider fostering before committing.

Advantages of Catahoula Leopard

  • Excellent hunting dog
  • Highly active and eager to have a purpose
  • Good watchdog with a loud bark
  • Good with children
  • Devoted, loyal, and protective

Disadvantages of Catahoula Leopard

  • Requires vigorous, frequent exercise and space to run
  • Needs frequent attention from her family
  • Can be rambunctious and rowdy, especially as a younger dog

Catahoula Leopard Photo gallery

Catahoula Leopard hd photo



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