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Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

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Watermelon is a brilliantly reviving treat for us people; it’s the ideal nibble for slashing into wedges, chilling in the refrigerator, and getting a charge out of all through hotter late spring days. However,  are our dogs permitted to partake in the delicious, beautiful fruit as well? Answer is Yes.

There is no need to be concerned if you have shared a piece of watermelon or if your dog has snatched a piece. As long as your canine doesn’t have diabetes and isn’t sensitive to sugar, they ought to be totally fine.

Assuming you are contemplating whether dogs can have watermelon, how much, and how frequently, fortunately this succulent, sweet, and delectable melon, new or frozen, is okay for dogs to eat.

Low in calories and loaded with supplements, it’s a solid addition to your dog’s eating regimen when served with some restraint and a couple of safety measures.

In this post we will see tips and advice on how to include watermelon in your dog’s life.

Let’s see together…..

Content Overview

Will dogs eat watermelon?

Yes, dogs can eat watermelon!

However, there are a few precautions you need to take, like removing the large seeds because too many of them can clog your dog’s intestines, especially if your dog is a smaller breed. The rind of watermelon should also be avoided because it can irritate the digestive system.

Watermelon is additionally high in sugar, in the same way as other natural products, and that implies it ought not be taken care of too routinely, or it can add to the risk of heftiness and diabetes.

Assuming you’re in doubt about your dog biting on watermelon, consistently request your vet’s recommendation.

With bunches of medical advantages for your canine and just 46 calories for every cupful, canines can eat watermelon as a cool, reviving treat. It’s the ideal eating arrangement, particularly in the late spring when our canine companions are experiencing the intensity.

We frequently keep thinking about whether we can impart leafy foods to our dogs. While some can become part of your friend’s eating routine or be utilized as intermittent bites, others can be poisonous, so it’s essential to know about the various standards for various assortments.

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Advantages of Watermelon for Dogs

Beside being a delectable summer treat, new or frozen watermelon contains numerous nourishing advantages for dogs as well.

      • High in nutrients A, B1, B5, B6, and C
      • High in minerals, including potassium and magnesium
      • High in antioxidant carotenoids, including beta-carotene and lycopene
      • Low in calories
      • High in water content for supportive hydration
      • Prevent free radicals that steal electrons from other cells, potentially reducing cancer.
      • Boost serotonin in the brain, blood platelets, and bowels.
      • Maintain immune system health
      • Help muscles function
      • Regulate blood pressure
      • Repair damaged tissue
      • Convert food into energy
      • Support eye health
      • Prevent heart disease

Furthermore, it’s enjoyable to eat!

Is Watermelon Safe for dogs?

Dogs can enjoy the nutritious and safe flesh of a watermelon, but they shouldn’t eat the other parts of the fruit. The American Kennel Club says that watermelon seeds can cause an intestinal blockage in dogs if they swallow them.

This is not only painful for your dog, but it could get so bad that surgery might be needed to fix it. For large dogs, a few seeds are unlikely to cause health issues, but for small dogs, a lot of them can result in a blockage.

It’s likewise dangerous to give your dog the skin—the hard green external skin of a watermelon—as ingesting it can cause gastrointestinal misery that triggers regurgitation or the run.

Although watermelon fruit in small quantities is a healthy snack, excessive consumption may cause your dog to experience stomach upset.

How to Feed Watermelon to Dogs?

Before feeding watermelon to your dog, you should always talk to your vet about the right amount to give. Your dog’s optimal daily diet should include even a healthy treat like watermelon.

      • Your dog should only be fed frozen watermelon that is fresh and unsweetened. Try not to take care of them with watermelon that is canned, sugared, or stuffed in syrup. These foods may also contain added sweeteners and preservatives, such as xylitol, which can be harmful to dogs. Additionally, the sugar content is excessive.
      • Eliminate the organic product from the skin, as the green and white parts of the skin can be harsh on a little guy’s stomach. Eliminate any seeds from the melon, as these can cause digestive blockage and, furthermore, could introduce a gagging danger.
      • Permit your canine to snack away at a cut of watermelon with your oversight, or basically cut the pink segments of the natural product into scaled-down pieces. Make a refreshing, fruity popsicle for your dog by freezing bite-sized pieces of watermelon.
      • As a vitamin booster, add a few small pieces to the food you make for your dog.

On the off chance that conceivable, purchasing and serving natural watermelon is dependably best. In either case, the fruit must be thoroughly washed before being served.

Likewise, with any new food added to your pet’s eating regimen, begin serving watermelon gradually to see how well the fruits are being processed. Your dog may have consumed an excessive amount of watermelon, as evidenced by soft stools or diarrhea.

How does watermelon assist with keeping your dog hydrated?

Water is the most abundant nutrient in watermelon, accounting for approximately 92% of the fruit’s total weight. We frequently disregard the water, yet it genuinely is one of the most basic requirements for our canine’s body. Especially for dogs like our Hooch who have kidney problems or are recovering from them.

Central pipe’s positions in the body incorporate working on joint capability and absorption and directing internal heat level. Furthermore, in particular, a proper measure of water permits the body to productively retain every one of the fundamental supplements present in a canine’s eating regimen.

Absence of water can rapidly prompt drying out, which can be an extreme issue for people and canines. Lack of hydration causes a few unfriendly impacts that limit the conveyance of oxygen in the blood.

Addition of water-rich foods to a dog’s diet, such as watermelon, can be extremely beneficial in reducing the risk of dehydration. In addition, it is important to keep a clean bowl of filtered cold water within easy reach.

How Much Watermelon Can a Dog Eat?

Indeed, sound treats ought to make up just 10% of your canine’s general eating routine. What’s more, the other 90% ought to come from an even canine diet.

To assist with making the bits somewhat more straightforward, below are a few common principles for safe watermelon treat sizes in view of your canine’s weight. Each “cut” ought to just be around 1 inch x 1 inch x 14-inch thick.

Extra-large dog (Up to 42 kg.) = large handful of watermelon slices

Examples: St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Great Pyrenees

Large dog (23-41 kg) = handful of watermelon slices

Examples: Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Australian Shepherds

Medium dog (14-22 kg) = 5-6 slices of watermelon

Examples: Australian Cattle Dogs, Basset Hounds, Border Collies,

Small dog (9-13 kg) = 2-3 slices of watermelon

Examples: Beagles, Miniature Australian Shepherds, Basenjis

Extra-small dog (1-10 kg) = 1-2 slices of watermelon

Examples: Pomeranians, Pugs, Yorkies, Chihuahuas

Watermelon Recipes to give your dog

1. Dehydrated Watermelon


1 Seedless Waternelon, 1 Dehydrator


      1. Remove rind
      2. Cut into quarter inch thick strips
      3. Spread out evenly in a dehydrator
      4. Dehydrate for 8-10 hours at 135 F
      5. Remove from the dehydrator, and cool
      6. Serve one slice, occasionally

2. Frozen Watermelon


1 Seedless Waternelon, 1 Dog bone ice cube tray


      1. Remove rind
      2. Scoop flesh out of fruit into a blender
      3. Blend until smooth
      4. Pour into bone molds
      5. Freeze for a few hours
      6. Serve one frozen dog bone

3. Raw Watermelon


1 Seedless Waternelon


      1. Cut into two inch thick wedges
      2. Serve one wedge, occasionally
      3. Watermelon Ice Cream

This simple frozen yogurt tastes amazing—for the two people and two dogs!

4. Refreshing Watermelon Sherbet

Senior dogs who may have trouble chewing harder frozen treats would greatly benefit from this light sherbet.


2-3 cups of frozen diced watermelon

1 cup of yogurt

1-3 tbsp of water as required


      • Wash your watermelon prior to cutting to eliminate any leftover pesticide and soil.
      • Place half of the watermelon in a freezer bag after being sliced, deseeded, and diced.
      • Freeze for about four hours or until solid.
      • Wash the mint twig, wipe off with a paper towel, eliminate leaves, cut daintily with scissors, and put it away.
      • Eliminate frozen watermelon from the cooler.
      • In a bowl for a food processor, combine two to three cups of frozen watermelon chunks.
      • Add 13 to 14 cups of yogurt to a food processor bowl and rush to consolidate.
      • If you need to smooth things out, add a little water.
      • Continue to rush the food processor until there are practically no pieces left.
      • Blend in the mint leaves to combine and finish.
      • Serve the sherbet immediately and add a second mint leaf as a garnish.

5. Watermelon Jerky Dog Treats

Taking the water out of a watermelon might seem counterintuitive, but these jerky treats give your dog a taste of summer all year. Note: You’ll need a food dehydrator for this recipe.


Half a watermelon


      • Before slicing, wash your watermelon.
      • Set aside one half of the watermelon for a different delicious recipe.
      • Cut watermelon into 1/4-inch-thick lances.
      • In the event that you cut the watermelon too thin, the pieces will be difficult to eliminate and will adhere to your plate.
      • Eliminate as many watermelon seeds as you can. For medium- and large-sized dogs, a few here and there will suffice.
      • Line your food dehydrator plate with material paper or use natural calfskin embeds for simple cleanup and to work on jerky evacuation. Or you can live like us, on the edge.
      • Place the pieces of watermelon on trays. Make certain to pass on breathing space around each cut to guarantee, in any event, drying.
      • Depending on the stickiness of your environment, the watermelon will require 18–24 hours to wrap up. 12 hours later, check on its progress.
      • After letting it cool, store it in an airtight container.

6. Frozen Yogurt Watermelon


1 1/2 cups frozen watermelon

1 cup yogurt (for lactose-intolerant individuals, substitute coconut milk or coconut yogurt)

Wash the melon before cutting it.


      • Remove the seeds as you go by dicing a few cups of watermelon.
      • Place in the cooler for 4 hours (or short-term).
      • In the food processor, add one and a half cups of frozen melon.
      • Add 1/4 cup of yogurt.
      • Barrage in a food processor, adding more natural product or yogurt to change flavor and surface.
      • Serve right away.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is watermelon without seeds better for dogs?

Seedless watermelons are a lot more straightforward for dogs and individuals to eat on the grounds that they generally don’t contain the developed dark seeds contained in cultivated watermelons (there may be a couple of dark seeds in there, so look cautiously).

Seedless watermelons, which were first developed around 50 years ago, are sterile hybrids produced through cross-pollination (which is distinct from genetic modification). The tiny white “seeds” are actually the seed coats of undeveloped seeds. These lacking seeds are Acceptable for your canine to eat, but to play it safe, attempt to choose portions of the watermelon without these little white seeds for your canine to drink.

2. Can I give watermelon to my dog every day?

Watermelon, like all other treats, should only be given to your dog on occasion, depending on how well their digestion takes it. Treats should not account for more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake.

3. How much watermelon would it be advisable for me to take care of my dog?

Your dog is content with the fact that they eat the same food every day. Their digestive system operates on a fairly consistent schedule because they consume the same food each day. Taking care of a couple of nibbles of watermelon, without skin or seeds, is likely enough for your little guy.

4. Can diabetic dogs consume Watermelon?

Because watermelons and other fruits naturally contain sugar, if your dog has diabetes, you probably restrict their intake of sugar and starches to maintain their health. If you want to introduce watermelon or other human foods to your diabetic dog’s diet, talk to your vet or a pet nutritionist.

5. For what reason do dogs love watermelon?

Because watermelon has a water content of 92 percent, it is refreshing to eat in the heat because it helps your dog’s body get back on its feet. Additionally, watermelon’s natural sweetness makes it a particularly appealing treat for your dog.

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