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Guide To Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

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Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Guide

The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is a medium-sized dog that is bred mainly for hunting. It is also known as “Toller”. They are smart, eager to be happy, alert and diligent.The name “Tolerant” refers to their ability to lure waterfalls into gunshot range. According to the American Kennel Club, this breed comes in 87th place among other breed species. They need plenty of bath time and cleaning. However, they are easy to care for and a healthy breed, so they are excellent for beginner dog owners. He is the best dog for children and families.



The breed was developed in the early 19th century in the Acadian community of little River-harbor in Yarmouth Country, Nova Scotia. The Toller was originally known as the Little River Duck Dog before it was officially recognized as a purebred dog by the Canadian Kennel Club in 1945.

This breed gained national popularity in 1980. Moreover, in 1995, he was declared Nova Scotia’s provisional dog. The hunter hides in the blind and sends the dog out to jump and plays near the water, usually throwing a ball or stick to get back.

We have the earliest descriptions of tolling in North America written by Nicolas Dennis, a French explorer, settler, and ultimate leader of New France that stretched from Newfoundland at its peak to the Canadian Prairie and Hudson’s Bay to the Gulf of Mexico.

If the practice of tolling a duck in the range of a gun and then hitting it on the water began in France, could Nova Scotia Duck Tolling retrievers be traced back to their native French “Lulu” or other French breeds? They may be yes, as they have the ability to find them.


Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers are often thought of as small golden retrievers. However, he is more active and has strong physical and mental abilities. By race standards, Toller is athletic, muscular, moderately heavy-boned, balanced, and strong. He has a deep chest. A conformation judge is required to be able to Toller tolls and to impose heavy fines on physical defects that impede the ability to work. They must be of medium build as a lack of substance or heavy build is penalized by the judges as both race standard and athleticism are reduced. Their legs are strong and solid, and their feet have mesh legs.

Toller can have any shade of red, from golden red to dark copper red, with a tail, pantaloons, and light feathers on the underside of the body. Light shades of golden red are rich in deep pigment and color. There should be no tollers of buff, brown, or unbleached wool, although some buff and sable tollers appear in the breeding line.

Some winter coats can create long, loose curls around the neck. The feathers are soft and of medium length, and the tail is well feathered. The ears are triangular and sit high above the skull and well behind. The lips fit snugly around the mouth. The eyes are well separated, almond-shaped, medium in size, and dark brown to amber. They have a friendly and intelligent expression.


Height: 42-51 cm (Female), 45-54 cm (Male)

Weight: 17-20 kg (Female), 20-23 kg (Male)

Lifespan: 10-14 years

Exercise need: Up to one hour a day

Barking: Bark when necessary

Shedding: Seasonally

Suitable for: Families and kids

Hypoallergenic Breed: No

Trainability: High

Litter size: 6-10 pups

Personality and Temperament

Although it sounds like a vicious hunter, Toler’s temperament is truly smart, loving, and adorable. He is a very hard-working breed. The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever loves children and enjoys playing ball with them and pulling them around in their wagon using their pulling skills. The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever loves other pets and kids. They do not like to fight with others. They have a trustworthy nature.

Activity and Training requirement

The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever has a lot of energy, but they are not overly active. They like to enjoy the challenge of swimming and obedience training, so these activities are the best ways to supplement walking and running to ensure they gain appropriate exercise. Also, they spent more than 90 minutes walking, running, and playing with their pups.

Well-behaved Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers are equally friendly with both people and animals, facilitating socialization. They are also a sink for training, so you should do well on your own. They have the ability to be trained for a higher degree of obedience, and you can both enjoy the challenge of advanced work.

How to care Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever?

Food requirement

It is important for your dog to maintain a healthy weight, regardless of breed. So, their diet should include biologically appropriate proteins, healthy fats, ground bones, and vegetables that are rich in essential vitamins and minerals for good health and efficiency. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure the right ratio of ingredients when making your own raw feeding recipe.

Exercise requirement

Like other dogs, Toler needs regular exercise to stay at his best. Around one hour of daily activity will keep the species happy and healthy. Long walks or fenced backyards are the main ones, although they also enjoy participating in sports such as agility training and flyball. Adding a lot of time is the best way to strengthen your bond while entertaining your dog. The exercise requirements of a particular tolerable depend on his personal preferences. Some tollers are content to rest in bed for most of the day after a long walk, whereas others need more stimulation and activity to accomplish their tasks.


Grooming the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is the same as caring for other recoveries. Thus, to maintain the fur scattered around them, owners should expect to increase their schedule of brushing. Brushing them a few times every week should generally control the shedding. Besides this, take a shower when your tower coat gets dirty or after a long period of exercise outside.

Health Problem

While Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers are generally considered healthy dogs, like most purebreds, they still suffer from hereditary issues. Furthermore, some illnesses do not appear in Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers until their middle age, like Addison’s disease and deafness. It is possible to breed tollers with these genetic defects before diseases are discovered, and gene maker tests for the species are not yet available. Interestingly, having a genetic history of waste for more than one generation can help breeders reduce these risks.

Puppy Price

The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever costs around 15,000 to 20,000 dollars.


• Funny and warm personality
• Pet-friendly and kid-loving
• Loves to be involved in sports and activities.


• It’s not ideal to live in an apartment.
• Heavy shed
• It takes a lot of exercise every day to behave well at home.


Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 3

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 3

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 2

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 1

If you want to keep a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever at home, you should be aware of the breed’s significance, which is discussed in this guide.

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