The American Bully is a wonderful family dog with a laid-back personality, despite its power and sweet disposition. American bullies are loyal, self-assured, and can be extremely tolerant of children.
They are born with a strong desire to please. The American Bully was not bred to be a guard dog, but they do guard their home and family.
The American Bully is also sometimes called the Bullypit or American Bully Pit.
American Bully dog is a recently formed companion dog breed initially recognized by the American Bully Kennel Club.
Content overview of American bully
- History
- Different names
- Appearance & Characteristics
3.1 Bully Pitbull Characteristics
3.2 Neck, Topline, Body
3.3 Forequarters
3.4 Hindquarters
3.5 Coat & colors - Personality and Temperament
4.1 Personality
4.2 Temperament
4.3 Activity Requirements
4.4 Behavioral Traits
4.5 Trainability - Health & problem
- How to take care?
6.1 Grooming & Bruising
6.2 Exercise Needed
6.3 Dental Health check up
6.4 Love & affection
6.5 Best foods for American bully
6.6 Diet Plan - How to train Bully pitbull Puppy
- Puppy Price
- Thing to consider before adoting Bully pit
- Pose & cons
History of American Bully
According to the AKC
The American Bully, a relatively new breed, was developed in the United States between the years 1980 and 1990, as stated by the AKC. They are the result of a Pitbull, an American Staffordshire Terrier, and other Pitbulls coming together.
The American Bully Kennel Club was founded 20 years after they became their own breed in the 1980s. The first name given to these dogs was “bully type” American Pit Bull Terrier. These dogs have been bred, improved, and promoted throughout the United States and abroad for the past 25 years.
These dogs have been recognized as a distinct breed from the American Pit Bull Terrier because their breeders created them for a particular build and temperament that are so distinctive. In 2004, these dogs were the first to be registered as American Bully dogs with their own kennel club.
The UKC recognized the American Bully as a distinct breed on July 15, 2013, in response to recent speculation that the breed was influenced by blending other bull breeds into their gene pool.
The American Dog Breeders Association, Inc., began registering as “American Bully in March 2015 any dog that possesses these physical characteristics that are exclusive to the American Bully breed or that is bred from brood stock that consistently produces dogs with these unique physical characteristics.
According to UKC
The United Kennel Club (UKC) asserts that the American Bully originated as a natural offspring of the American Pit Bull Terrier. Over the past one hundred years, the APBT has maintained its distinctive appearance and temperament.
As is the case with any breed that has been around for a long time, several varieties emerged from the parent breed. One type, in particular, developed a particular build and structure that are so distinctive that it was prudent to classify it as a distinct breed.
That is the breed of American bulldog. The introduction of the American Bulldog, English Bulldog, and Old English Bulldog all had a subtle impact on the American Bully breed. The United Kennel Club approved the American Bully breed on July 15, 2013.
He is a recently formed companion dog breed, and it is a small to large breed divided into four categories Pocket, Standard, Classic, and XL.
He developed as a companion dog from a breed widely recognized as being among the most human-oriented of all dogs.

Source: By Milan Griglak
What is the difference between American bully dog VS pit bull?
The American Bully breeds are an extension of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed.
The Bully Dog is a mix of American Bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier.
American Bully breed Bulldogs feel the same that It bred from a recently developed breed.
Until the 1990s, the American Bully did not exist at all. First appearing in 1990, he was rapidly growing in popularity abroad.
He produced a foundation of American Staffordshire Terrier and American Pit Bull Terrier in the United States between 1980 and 1990.
American Pit Bull Terriers were not only tasked with dogfighting in the United States, but they also served as hog hunting dogs. In 2004, the breed recognized by the kennel club and the American bully was bred primarily as a companion animal and show dog.
Pit bully dog popularity
Undoubtedly this breed was the most famous in the country by the end of 1800. In 1930, the American Kennel Club American Staffordshire Terriers began registering American Pit Bull Terriers.
In the 1990s, several breeders around the country sought to develop a breed of dog from the American Pit Bull Terrier and American Stafford shire Terrier, which was strictly a companion animal and show dog.
American Bullies are still a new breed and have not yet experienced wide recognition; however, they can found in surprisingly large numbers across the United States.
The American bully dog was mainly animal husbandry as a companion and show dog. And it is the nation’s personal actions that are used for property protection, law enforcement, treatment, obedience, sports, etc.
Different names or Types
Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris
Other names
- Bully Pit
- American Bully Pit
- Bully Pit Bull
- Bully Pitbull
- American Bully Kennel Club – ABKC
- Dog Registry of America, Inc – DRA
- United Kennel Club –UKC
- United Canine Association – UCA
- Backwoods Bulldog Club – BBC
- American Canine Association Inc – ACA
- European Bully Kennel Club – EBKC
Types of American bully
Read Full Article About American Bully Types And Their Prices
Bully Classic: This breed still has the usual Bully traits but dogs of this breed have less body mass and possess a lighter body.
Extreme Bully: This is a breed similar to American Bully Standard. It seems that only the name is different, but they are the same in characteristics, temperament, and appearance.
Pocket Bully: This is a much shorter version of the American Bully Standard. Still, it shares the same characteristics, temperament, and appearance as the American Bully Standard breed.
Bully XL: The biggest type of Bully breed has the same characteristics, temperament, and appearance as other Bully breeds, but it is tall.
Appearance & Characteristics of Bullypit
American Bully is similar to its ancestors of the American Pit Bull Terrier, and the American Staffordshire Terrier look.
The head and face look like the halfway point between American Bulldog and the American Pit Bull Terrier.
A Bully dog is a happy, outgoing, stable, and confident dog. American Bully short, tight-fitting coat hard to the touch. They built like professional bodybuilders.
Most breed members have relatively short legs and are often significantly shorter than the tall.
A compact, thickset strong build is the characteristic of the breed. There must also be a proper muscle tone, correct athletic proportions, and the muscles’ absolute soundness. Their head also is in proportion to the body.

standard bully@Cães Online
The American Bully is best known for its tough and intimidating appearance and its friendly but protective nature.
Country of Origin: United States
Life span: 10 to 12 Years
Trainability: Moderate Effort Required
Friendliness: Kids friendly
Exercise Needs: Exercised every day
Energy Level: Varies From One Dog To The Next
Grooming: Easy to groom
Brushing: Brushing Once a Week or Less
Protective Ability: Good
Hypoallergenic Breed: No
Space Requirements: House with Yard
Compatibility With Other Pets:
Litter Size: 4 to 10 puppies
Great with children: Good
Height: 13 – 21 inches (33 – 53 cm)
Weight: 70 – 120 pounds (31 – 54 kg)
Size: Large 35-55 lbs.
X-Large 55-90 lbs.
XX-Large 90-120 lbs.
American Bully Characteristics
Each dog’s characteristics are different here, and we will show the characteristics of the American Bully dog. This breed head is unique and a key characteristic.
Head & Face: This dog is large and widespread, but overall this dog has never been disproportionate. The head is large and medium length, broad skull, short for face, very pronounced cheek muscles, distinct stop, and ears are set high.
Fault: Head too small or disproportionate to the body.
Nose: A big nose. Nose pigment is acceptable in all colors. The colors are in harmony with the coat color of the nose usually.
Ears: Set high and can be either cropped or natural
Skull: It has broad and blocky skull.
Fault: A nose lacking all pigment is a disqualifying fault.
Eyes: Eyes are in medium size, oval, slightly rounded, and set apart at least skull. All colors are equally acceptable except blue.
Jaws: Well defined
Under jaw: Under jaw are to be strong, parallel to muzzle and it is never turning upward.
Muzzle:- His muzzle is broad and blocky or slightly square. The length of the muzzle is shorter than the length of the skull, from 25 to 35 percent of the head’s overall length. The top of the muzzle is straight.
Body: – He has the most athletic and very well-defined muscular bodies between species. Along with a broad, deep chest and body, it is close-coupled does not extend beyond the point of the shoulder back wide, strong, and firm.
Income level and straight slopes is slightly below the base of the tail. The waist is wide and short. So, a Huge Chest that interferes with the normal movement of impurities.
Lips: Close and even, with some room for movement, but not preferred.
Faults: Too long or snippy muzzle; muzzle that is so short that it makes it hard to breathe normally; absence of a prominent cheek and a deep stop; weakness at the jaw; turning up the under jaw; a raised or pushed back nose; a lot of flews.
Upper Teeth: To form a scissor bite in which upper and lower teeth close together.
Faults: Overshot, undershot, levels and wry bites are all forms of bites.
Chest: It ought to be wide, profound, and all around filled in, but it should not be overdone to the point where it hinders normal movement.
Ribs: All ribs are close together, creating a barrel chest with well-rounded ribs; The rib cage extends slightly below the elbow.
Back: medium to short back, with a slight slope from the withers to the rump, or straight, with a slight slope from the rump to the base of the tail. When measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttocks and from the withers to the ground, the American bully’s body should appear square.
Faults: Too far back; rear elevation above withers; sagging or swaying topline; roached or wheeled back.
Neck, Topline, Body
Neck: The neck is of moderate length and muscular. There is a slight arch at the crest. The neck widens gradually from where it joins the skull to where it blends into well-laid-back shoulders.
Body: The body is close-coupled with a broad, deep chest and well-sprung ribs. Chest may be wider than deep but free from exaggeration. The chest does not extend forward much beyond the point of the shoulder.
Jaws: The jaws are well defined, square, and should have a razor-sharp or chiseled appearance. Lips are close, and even some looseness in the jowls is accepted but not to be favored.
Bite: He has a complete set of large, evenly spaced, and white teeth.
Shoulders: The shoulders are long, wide, muscular, and well back. The upper arm is roughly equal in length to the shoulder blade and joins at an apparent right angle.
Forelegs: The forelegs are strong and muscular, with a slight turn to the forearm. To allow for chest development, the forelegs are spaced quite widely apart.
Feet: The feet are tight, round, proportionate to the size of the dog, and well-arched.
Hindquarters are strong, muscular, and broad. The rump is well-filled-in and deep. The thighs are well developing with thick muscles; viewed side, hock joint is well bent, and the rear pasterns are well let down and perpendicular to the ground.
Tail: Straight tails are also acceptable. The tail is set on as a natural extension of the top-line and tapers to a point. When the dog is moving, the tail is carried level with the top-line.
The tail is medium in size, has a low set, tapers to a fine point, and reaches about the hock. When the relaxed tail needs to be lowered.
When moving, the challenge tail should be carried level with the topline or raised when excited (gay tail), but it should never be carried curled over and break the backplane (gay tail). There should be no kinks, knots, or curves in the tail.
Faults: A tail that is either too long or too short, about an inch above or below the hock point. Gay tail, which is carried above the back’s plane.
Coat & colors
The American Bully has a short close, stiff to the touch, and glossy coat. All colors and patterns are acceptable.
Faults: Curly, wavy, or sparse coat
Coat’s: Coat’s are short, close, glossy, stiff to smooth to the touch. The Coats are no longer than ½ inch (1 cm) in length.
Color and Markings: Any color pattern or combination of colors is acceptable except for Merle.
Gait: This breed moves with a jaunty confident attitude conveying the impression that he expects any minute to see something new and exciting. When trotting, the gait is effortless, powerful, and well-coordinated showing good reach in front and drive behind.
An American bully is alive and aware of its surroundings while moving with a confident and proud attitude. Gait should be powerful and effortless. The action must be unrestrained, vigorous, and free, with a strong drive from behind.
The front reach ought to be moderate and even with the back reach. Legs never cross or interfere with one another, nor do they turn in or out. Dog moving in the same plane: With little convergence, each leg moves in the same plane with the other leg on the same side.
Personality & Temperament
American Bully Personality
The American Bully has an impressive athletic build that is both muscular and defined and displays strength and agility.
They are protective of their family members when a hostile situation occurs. On the other hand, they are to gentle, loving, and loyal lapdogs.
They adore children and are more than suitable to live in a household with them.
American Bully Temperament
The Bully Dog is a happy, outgoing, stable, and confident dog. Gentle and Loving toward the people. He is Good-natured, amusing, extremely loyal, and an affectionate family pet dog.
The American Bully is a happy, confident, stable dog that is also outgoing. It is a guard dog that is extremely courageous, intelligent, and full of life.
Kind and compassionate toward others. Friendly, funny, extremely trustworthy, and devoted family pet. This dog is almost always submissive and only wants to please its owner.
While maintaining the outgoing, sociable nature of the American Staffordshire Terrier, this breed possesses the loyalty and stability of the American Pit Bull Terrier.
This one-of-a-kind breed is known for being extremely child-friendly and eager to please its family. This breed is confident but not aggressive, and its temperament is very pleasant.
The American Bully has a muscular and defined build that is both impressive and athletic. It also exhibits strength and agility. The breed is adaptable and able to complete many different tasks.
They tend to be naturally protective, but in a calm, similar way to an English Bulldog or Mastiff than a Rottweiler or American Bulldog.
Is the American Bully good for first-time dog owners?
Because they are naturally loving and loyal, the American Bully is a good dog for first-time owners. Additionally, they are relatively low-energy and simple to train.
American Bully dogs were developed specifically as companion dogs. These massive dogs are among the most lovable, trustworthy, content, and fun-loving. The American Bully is continuously hoping to satisfy its proprietor, making them simple to prepare and an incredible pet.
Activity Requirements
The Bully dog needs regular exercise in a daily walk and time outside in a secure area to run around and play.
Certainly does not mean that an American Bully is a couch potato. This breed probably needs more exercise and activity than most common companion breeds, at least 45 minutes to an hour every day.
Behavioral Traits
Dog aggression is one of the top personality traits in all of the bully breeds that have been an issue. The American Bully dog breed may not get along well with other animals. It may be particularly true for other dogs.
However, breeders have been most successful in reducing dog aggression. This breed is one of the only bully breeds that is tolerant of other dogs.
Trainability and intelligence remained very important in its development. This breed tends to be highly intelligent and very eager to please, and many can learn great amounts.
These dogs respond far better to rewards-based training methods, and many bulldogs will do anything for a treat.
American bully Health & problems

extreme american bully @YouTube
Health and grooming is a very valuable part of the all the pet. If you are interested in adopting this dog, so you need to know about health and fitness.
If you are adopting the American bully dog so this information is useful for you and your dog. Its Health problems may vary within each creature, so health care is needed.
This dog is usually healthy, but they’re prone to certain health conditions. All dogs get diseases but if you’re thinking of this breed need to be aware of since.
Allergies: –Skin allergies usually cause by grass pollen, fleas, allergies, etc. To control allergy symptoms, recognize the need to seek the advice of a veterinarian.
It is so necessary to always advise the appropriate time for vaccination of your dog allergy. It is one of the good and very affordable dog breeds. If you are thinking of adopting this dog so this information is very useful for you.
Heart Disease: – It affects dogs in many heart disease forms, so it is necessary to check and diagnose heart disease. Heart disease can be dangerous for any animal. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to this matter in health and fitness, etc.
A list of problems which the American Bully is susceptible
- Cataracts
- Elbow Dysplasia
- Demodicosis
- Hip Dysplasia
- Atrophy
- Cleft Lip/Palette
- Congenital Heart Failure
- Heat Intolerance
- Luxating Patella
Living Conditions
American Bullies will do ok in an apartment if they are sufficiently exercising. They are very active indoors and will do alright without a yard provided; they get enough exercise. I prefer warm climates.
How to take care of your American Bully

bully puppy @Pinterest
If you are thinking of adopting a dog, this bully dog must know how to take care of it. These dogs are great companions for their owners to sounds.
Here we’ll give you information on how to take care of many American Bullies. We need to consider the following points for these dogs.
Grooming & Bruising
American Bullies should never need professional grooming, only a regular brushing. The smooth short hair coat is easy for grooming.
Brush regularly with a bristle brush and bathe with dry shampoo as necessary. A rub with a piece of toweling or chamois will make the coat gleam. Grooming is the best for every dog breed’s health.
Unlike some dog breeds that require almost daily baths or grooming, this dog doesn’t tend to shed much and doesn’t take much work to maintain.
They have a sleek coat without much excess shedding, and they can be bathed but don’t need it frequently.
Exercise Needed
Exercise is the best way to stay healthy for other animals. If You Want To Keep Your Healthy American Bully dog Require Regular Exercise.
If you have adopted the American Puppy, they need some exercise. Exercise helps maintain your American bully’s physical health, and swimming is a good exercise for your dog.
Exercise is important to keep him healthy, burn energy and make him happy and engaged. You can take a walk of 15 minutes daily for your bully dog because walking is a good exercise.
Also, let your dog with his fellow dogs socialize with friends and family members in your home to strengthen your family ties between the dog and your family.
Dental Health check up
Dental health is an important part of your bully dog’s overall wellness and should not overlook. It Is even more so if your dog is more prone to dental problems than some breeds.
Dental disease is the most common chronic problem in pets affecting 80% of all dogs by age two. And unfortunately, your dog is more likely than other dogs to have problems with teeth.
It starts with tartar build-up on the teeth and progresses to infection of the teeth, gums, and roots. So dental health check-up is very useful for your dogs or puppies.
Love & affection
Love and affection are useful for every dog. Suppose you give love and affection to your bully, then the dog will love you back. Your bully puppy will be a member of your family, So Give lots of love and affection to your cute puppy. Most importantly, spend time with your dog because that your dog needs love and affection.
The Best Diet For an American Bully:
First, it is important to know which foods are best for your bully dog. Your dog needs feed four times a day. Ideally, it should be special to a particular phase in its premium quality development and depending on its age.
Food is one of the things that make a bully dog healthy.
You need to know how to prepare the food, what beneficial ingredients it contains, and the nutritional value of the dog food.
Best food for American bully dogs
Raw Dog Foods: These kinds of dog foods mainly serve and eaten raw by Bully dog-like vegetables, pork, lamb, salmon, turkey, fresh fruits, organ meat, kelp, eggs, etc.
The act of chewing raw dog foods also grants healthy teeth and gums with well-developed neck, jaw, and shoulder muscles, so this is good food for this dog.
Homemade Dog Foods: Vegetables, Healthy soups, pies, big, and the occasional raw bones are examples of homemade dog foods. It is a very healthy and best homemade recipe for the perfect American Bully.
Premium Dog Foods: – These dog food products are in some ways better than the other dog foods due to the product’s high standard of quality. The food protein, antioxidants, vitamins, and premium dog food have good quality.
Diet Plan for American bully dog
Diet Plan for 6-month puppy: You need to feed your American Bully puppy three times a day between 8 to 12 weeks after three months, reduce the meal to 3 times a day until six months.
Diet Plan for 6-12 month puppy: – The feed should be 3/4 cups per day. Add protein-rich food in your American Bully dog’s diet, such as eggs, liver, lean meat, red meat bones, boiled green vegetables, bananas, etc.
Diet Plan for 1-8 Years puppy: – Diet includes lean meat, eggs, fruits, boiled vegetables, etc. The amount of feed should be half cups.
If you are adopting this bully dog puppy so giving him milk and soft foods until six weeks. The bulldog should be given food, eggs, boiled vegetables, bread, milk, etc. It should not be more than 1/3 cup of food per day.
After six months of receiving, the bully puppy begins to mature. Your Dog Needs to feed two times a day. Your Dog should give egg protein-rich foods, lean meat, red meat, bones, liver, boiled green vegetables, bananas, food, etc. Remove feed your Dog’s diet food.
There many ways to maintain your Dog’s physical well-being and one of those ways is the quality of food you serve to it. If you have any suggestions regarding the Dog’s diet plan, you can leave your comment in the comment box. Your opinion and feedback are precious to us.
How to train American Bully Puppy
These dogs are very easy to take the train. This Bully dog has very great self-esteem and a very high confidence level. As an owner, you must know why it is important to train the Bully puppy.
Types of Training for your Bully pit Puppy
Housebreaking, training: – If you bought the American bully puppy is advisable to start housebreaking training. These puppies, at the age of 2-3 months are the lack control over their bladder.
The bladder Control incredible mess that makes your home and your surroundings. He is good and low-cost training. And there are many ideas that you can train your puppy etc.
Household rules Training: Household training is very effective and less expensive for everyone. As an owner of a Bully puppy, your pet must learn that its behavior is not allowed or tolerated in your home.
Prevent the unwanted behaviors like
- The puppy is bullying and hurting other dogs.
- Toilet paper shredding
- Some chewing problem
- The pup is doing potty inside the house
- The Puppy is barking unnecessarily at several things
Crate Training
Crate Training is considering being safe jail for a puppy. The purpose of crate training is to let your pet used to the idea of being comfortable while in the crate.
A crate uses as a transportation method to prevent your pup from being lost or wandering around. Puppy crate training is a great way to manage the safety and well-being of Bully Pitbull puppies.
Crate training is one of the most important things you can do for your new dog. It’s served many purposes. Crates should be large enough for the adult dog to stand, sit and stretch out.
It is very good training for your lovely bully puppy. Find more information about how to train the Bully pit puppy.
Behavioral training
Behavioral training is very important for any dog. All of us, dog owners, need to administer some dog behavior training at some point in time. Behavioral training is very helpful for taking care of the dog.
If you want to train your bully pits puppy to Behavioral training, find out some common behavioral issues like breaking, aggression, food guarding, howling, mouthing and chewing, separation anxiety, etc., stop these behavioral issues and easily train.
Obedience training
This training is one of the basic and most important training for any dog. There are three methods of training that you can use with your American bully. All begins with a strong foundation in the core five obedience commands: come, sit, stay, heel, down. Every dog should know these five basic obedience commands because it is very necessary for obedience training.
Arranging for appropriate accommodation
The accommodation system plays an important role in the care of any animal. If you are adopting an American bully is necessary to arrange suitable accommodation for its Winter, Summer, and monsoon. There must be adequate arrangements to facilitate etc.
Bully Puppy Price
One of the most commonly asked questions that we receive is “how much does an American Bully cost?”
Unfortunately, the answer isn’t that simple. On average prices run anywhere from $2000 to $5000. Sometimes cost more than this when you are spending $2000 to $7000 depending on pedigree, accomplishments, structure, and quality.
Find a dog or puppy is proud to be a part of the online adoption community. Browse through thousands of Americans Bully Dog for Adoption in the USA listed by Dog Rescue Organizations and individuals to find your match.
Find a breeder is your source for finding a Responsible Dog Breeder.
American bully rescue
California Pit Bull Rescue
Richmond, CA 94803
Phone: 510-463-4277
Bombshell Bullies Pit Bull Rescue
P.O. Box 5122, Vernon Hills, IL 60061
Sioux Empire Pit Bull Rescue
PO Box 2321, Sioux Falls, SD 57101
Find American bully for sale is your source for finding a perfect American bully puppy.
Thing to consider before adopting Bully pit
If you’re seriously considering adopting an American Pitbull, you should know.
- Before you adopt a Bully Pitbull, Consider how much time your new family member will spend alone. Remember, a puppy requires constant attention.
- These puppies are super cute but simply put; puppies can be adorable relentless machines of destruction.
- Before you adopt a puppy, ask yourself if you can walk with your dog several times throughout the day.
- You also have the advantage of knowing that your dog is physically able to “hold it” for several hours at a stretch.
- Ask anybody who has adopted an adult dog, then adopt an adult dog.
- If you’re not sure whether the new dog you’ve chosen is right for your family and lifestyle, consider fostering before committing.
Pros & cons
- American Bullies are generally loyal pets to own.
- Bully Pits are eager to please their owner.
- Pit bulls are energetic creatures that require plenty of exercise. Pit bulls are among the most athletic breeds.
- Bully Pitbull’s are low in maintenance
- They are hilarious
- Pit bulls need attention
- They can become destructive when they are bored.
- There are legal liabilities with pit bulls.
- American bully needs lots of training and socialization
Questions related to American Bully
1. What is the bite force of a American Bully?
305 PSI
2. Which breeds make a American Bully?
American Bully is mixed breed of American Staffordshire Terrier, and other Pitbulls coming together.
3. What is a lifespan of the American Bully Dog?
Average lifespan of the American Bully dog is between 8 and 12 years.
4. Is the American Bulldog a security dog?
The gentle nature of the dog belies its muscular appearance. American Bulldogs are very cuddly and affectionate. It is made fun of them because they enjoy being liked by others: As a guard dog, a bully would even assist the burglar in carrying.
5. Is an American bully aggressive?
These dogs are sometimes viewed as aggressive breeds since they are very protective and loyal, so they deter potential criminals who might harm any kids.
6. What is American Bully Litter Size?
About 4 to 6 puppies
American bully Pictures
That’s up. I tried to include full information about the American Bully dog breed. Let me know if I missed any useful information.
Check Dog breeds that need lowest maintenance costs, best guide about low maintenance dogs.
What do you say?
American bully dog is cool!
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Why is blue eyes a fault plz email me me back I’m a proud owner of two bully pups
I was interested in a bully pup
Are there different sizes in the bully breeds? I saw two bully dogs at the store and they were small like a toy version of the regular size bully dogs. Not toy size but a lot smaller then I have ever seen in that breed.
Yes pocket Classic standard XL
I just got a male pocket bully I’ve known his mom for a couple years now so I got whiskey I already have a red nose and a little dog he’s done great sweet as can be a little stubborn but were working on that he’s 11 months now great with kids other dogs to even cats lol
Why are blue eyes a fault?
I have an eight-month-old bully pit and he’s stubborn as can be, and he loves to chew, and I’m wondering when this behavior stops? he is learning but it’s a challenge
I am from Sri Lanka!
I have an eight months female angel, American Bully…
She taught me that the American Bullies are one of the most adorable, cute, caring, respectful, darling dog breeds on the earth!
I highly recommend anyone adopting this great child-personality to your family!!! U won’t regret…
How much do i charge to breed my male bully?
Look how i con find a litres Buillys free